Trial court erred in awarding damages to landlord, COA finds
A landlord was not entitled to damages and was ordered to return a security deposit after the Court of Appeals of Indiana found error at the trial court.
A landlord was not entitled to damages and was ordered to return a security deposit after the Court of Appeals of Indiana found error at the trial court.
A Court of Appeals of Indiana opinion in a case involving the breach of a lease split three ways Monday, with the appellate court affirming in part, reversing and remanding the case back to a lower court.
The Indiana Supreme Court affirmed a trial court’s order amending a damages award but determined the lower court lacked jurisdiction to issue two other orders because each interfered with the subject matter of a pending appeal.
A permanent injunction preventing two brothers from using their property for their trucking business has been upheld, but the Court of Appeals of Indiana reversed the imposition of costs and fines in the case.
The children of divorced parents can’t take their mother’s dog to their father’s home during his parenting time, the Court of Appeals of Indiana has ruled in reversing a trial court’s order.
Overturning summary judgment in a dispute between insurance providers, the Court of Appeals of Indiana ruled Tuesday that the trial court erred in granting summary judgment to the insurer that hadn’t met its payment obligation.
The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission shouldn’t have approved Duke Energy’s request to recover costs related to a federal environmental mandate for coal-ash cleanup that were incurred before the energy company received approval.
A trial court committed fundamental error when it allowed a videotaped interview to be entered into evidence in a delinquency case against a 15-year-old boy, the Court of Appeals of Indiana has ruled.
The Court of Appeals of Indiana has reversed and remanded a Hendricks Superior Court order on the division of marital assets and a father’s child support obligation to his special needs adult daughter.
The Court of Appeals of Indiana has overturned a man’s felony reckless homicide conviction, finding the trial court erred in excluding evidence that the victim was using her phone at the time of the fatal vehicle crash.
A Housing Authority of South Bend tenant was deprived of her right to due process when she was not allowed to present her pro se defense during her eviction hearing, the Court of Appeals of Indiana has ruled.
After the trial court judge issued a scathing opinion declaring Indiana’s civil litigation system was “broken,” the Court of Appeals of Indiana has reversed summary judgment in the underlying negligence case, finding the judge was biased.
The Court of Appeals of Indiana has ordered a trial court to reexamine a criminal forfeiture after granting the defendant’s motion for relief from the forfeiture, then granting the state’s motion reinstating it.
The July 2014 revision to Indiana’s criminal code has resulted in the Court of Appeals of Indiana vacating a child molesting conviction after finding that a jury instruction straddling both sides of the date of the revision could have confused jurors.
The Court of Appeals of Indiana has reversed a contempt finding and ordered that the defendant be awarded credit time for the 28 days she spent in custody for contempt of court.
The Indiana Supreme Court reversed an involuntary manslaughter conviction Wednesday and ordered a new trial after finding the trial court erred by not allowing defense counsel to directly voir dire prospective jurors.
The Court of Appeals of Indiana reversed the denial of a post-conviction relief petition on Tuesday, ordering a new hearing after subpoenas weren’t issued to two attorneys who had worked on the appellant’s case.
The estate of a contractor who was shot and killed while canvassing an Indianapolis apartment complex will not receive emotional distress damages, the Court of Appeals of Indiana has ruled.
A northern Indiana mother has won a reversal on an adoption petition granted to her child’s stepmother after the Court of Appeals of Indiana concluded she did not abandon her child and her consent was required for the adoption.
A split Court of Appeals of Indiana has partially reversed for an accused rapist after finding the state failed to justify the disclosure of six pages of a DNA summary after the defendant introduced just one page into evidence at a deposition.