
COA reduces rapist’s sentence by 10 years

Although an offender was successful in asserting the trial court erred in merging his sentences and applying an enhancement, he failed to respond to the state’s arguments for remedy which provided just a 10-year reduction to his 90-year aggregate sentence.

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7th Circuit: Judge should have disqualified herself in sentence challenge

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that a federal judge in Indianapolis should have excused herself from hearing a man’s petition regarding his sentence because she was the one who sentenced him while she was a judge in state court. In doing so, the federal appellate court overturned two lines of decisions.

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Blagojevich resentencing: Judge to mull opposing portraits

Federal prosecutors are asking a judge to order former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich to serve his entire 14-year prison term when he returns to court for resentencing next month. But his attorneys want about nine years lopped off the sentence of the man they say has been a model prisoner who's tutored, taught and counseled fellow inmates while also forming an Elvis-inspired rock band.

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Brutal Indy home invasion leader gets sentence tweak

The alleged ringleader of six men who brutalized, shot and sexually assaulted three north side Indianapolis residents in their home will still likely spend the rest of his life behind bars after the Indiana Court of Appeals modestly reduced his sentence Tuesday.

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Appeals court affirms reinstatement of drug sentence

The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed the reinstatement of a woman’s sentence after she was terminated from drug court, finding a request for new counsel she made was too late and a stay of her drug court supervision was meant to help her, not harm her.

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7th Circuit upholds Fogle’s above-guidelines sentence

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle’s 188-month sentence Thursday afternoon for distributing and receiving, as well as conspiring to distribute and receive child pornography. Fogle challenged his sentence after the District Court imposed one above the sentencing guidelines.

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Judge in Stanford sex assault case called fair, respected

A judge who sentenced a former Stanford University swimmer to six months in jail for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman used to play lacrosse at the school a few miles down the road from his courtroom, where attorneys said that he is respected and fair.

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