
IndyBar: Does Anyone Else Miss the Red Drink Tickets? How to Network During a Pandemic and Beyond

As a small-firm practitioner who makes her money by providing personal legal services, networking is vital for the continued source of clients I need to support my business and keep my associates busy. Planning committees, nonprofit boards, volunteering, social gatherings and local events were my go-to formula for expanding my circles and getting my name and face in front of people who needed to hire a lawyer for highly personal and sometimes sensitive reasons. They needed to have met me in person. They needed my name to come from someone they knew and trusted. At least, that is what I believed to be the only way, until that way no longer existed. And I am not just saying its disappearance is because of the pandemic.

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Schilling: Legal workplace strategy in the era of COVID-19

After COVID-19, law firms must rethink what the office environment can deliver better than the experience of working remotely. What can the future law firm office do better? How can tomorrow’s law firm office improve connection and interaction, encourage collaboration, and provide modern, convenient services?

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Bankruptcy lawyers foresee flood of COVID-related filings

If you thought the COVID-induced recession would cause a spike in bankruptcy filings, you’d be wrong. In fact, according to one Indianapolis practitioner, “bankruptcies are in the toilet.” But that doesn’t mean bankruptcy practitioners are sitting idle, as existing clients still need their service. More than that, a wave of new clients is likely coming.

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New firms juggle business challenges, pandemic pressures

Hanging a shingle is always risky. Add a pandemic to the mix and you’ve got a recipe for stress. Most lawyers across Indiana felt the pinch of the COVID-19-induced economic downturn in some fashion. But those who made career moves in the months before the pandemic say the recession has put their business acumen to the test.

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