
COA to hear wrongful death appeal at Indy community center

Whether claims from a deceased man’s estate allege facts that fall under Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Act after he died from a leg injury will be argued during an Appeals on Wheels oral argument Wednesday at the Indianapolis Jewish Community Center.

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Federal judge hears South Bend abortion clinic arguments

A federal judge Monday considered arguments stemming from a nonprofit’s lengthy legal battle to open an abortion clinic in South Bend, which was characterized by the judge as a potential legal stalemate that could be considered a “moving target.”

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Despite ‘not good law’ dissent, COA affirms ruling against fired worker

A former hospital police officer who wrongly believed he had been subpoenaed to testify at an unemployment hearing and was subsequently fired has lost his appeal of a judgment in favor of his former boss, with a majority of the Indiana Court of Appeals finding the officer could not overcome the at-will employment doctrine. But a dissenting judge said the majority’s ruling is “not good law.”

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Barnes & Thornburg breaks ground on new South Bend office building

On a vacant plot along Main Street across from the federal courthouse in South Bend, Barnes & Thornburg leaders grabbed their shovels Tuesday and helped break ground on a new office building that is not only on the first new construction within the downtown business core in 20 years, but which also will carry the law firm’s moniker.

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Judge lets South Bend abortion clinic challenge proceed

National healthcare and abortion providers seeking to open an abortion clinic in northern Indiana received a ruling in their favor last week when a federal judge denied the state’s motion to dismiss a complaint challenging the constitutionality of Indiana abortion clinic licensing regulations.

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South Bend attorney suspended for noncooperation

The Indiana Supreme Court has suspended a South Bend attorney from the practice of law after previously ordering her to show cause as to why she should not be immediately suspended for noncooperation with a disciplinary investigation against her.

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Lawsuit from ex-St. Mary’s president says she was forced out

The former president of St. Mary’s College who abruptly resigned after two years with the Catholic women’s liberal arts college in northern Indiana has filed a lawsuit alleging she was forced out. The lawsuit says Janice Cervelli resigned last year from the school in South Bend after being pressured to do so by Mary Burke, chair of the Saint Mary’s College Board of Trustees.

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COA to travel for three arguments next week

Three Appeals on Wheels oral arguments will be heard next week, involving wrongful termination of a hospital employee, suppression of evidence from a pat-down search and a hotel’s appeal of granted possession.

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Boy, 11, charged after shooting state-trooper dad

Authorities say an 11-year-old Indiana boy who shot and wounded his state-trooper father has been charged as a juvenile with attempted murder. St. Joseph County prosecutors have filed a petition alleging delinquency for attempted murder, the juvenile equivalent of a criminal charge.

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