
Biden closer to victory as Trump turns to courts

Democrat Joe Biden was pushing closer to the 270 Electoral College votes needed to carry the White House, securing victories in the “blue wall” battlegrounds of Wisconsin and Michigan and narrowing President Donald Trump’s path, which increasingly appeared to lead through court challenges.

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Election Day shadowed by threats of legal challenges

Even before Election Day, the 2020 race was the most litigated in memory. President Donald Trump is promising more to come. The candidates and parties have enlisted prominent lawyers with ties to Democratic and Republican administrations should that litigation take on new urgency in the event of a close election in key states.

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Barrett joins Supreme Court arguments for the first time

Justice Amy Coney Barrett is expected to join her Supreme Court colleagues on Monday to hear arguments for the first time. Participating in oral arguments will be among the first things Barrett, a former University of Notre Dame law professor, will do after being confirmed last week in a  52-48 virtual party-line vote.

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Supreme Court issues flurry of last-minute election orders

At first blush, the difference in outcomes at the U.S. Supreme Court in cases regarding the counting of absentee ballots seems odd because the high court typically takes up issues to harmonize the rules across the country. But elections are largely governed by states, and the rules differ from one state to the next.

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Barrett ascends to high court

The newest — and youngest — justice ascended to the nation’s highest court just shy of three years after her confirmation to the federal bench from the classrooms of her alma mater, the University of Notre Dame Law School.

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