
Lindman: Trademarks in the Supreme Court: 2019-2020

One could assume that significant issues in federal trademark law were decided long ago; yet, the Supreme Court issued two trademark decisions in 2019 that fundamentally impact trademark protection and has granted certiorari in three trademark cases for the 2019-2020 term.

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Willful wrong? SCOTUS to resolve circuit split on profits

Among the circuit courts of appeal, there is an even split between the 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th, 10th and Washington, D.C., circuits and the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 11th over whether the Lanham Act requires “willful” infringement before a plaintiff can recover profits. The United States Supreme Court is set to bring clarity to the circuit split when it hears arguments in Romag Fasteners Inc. v. Fossil Inc., 18-1233, next month.

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Uhl and Bose: Domino’s effect: SCOTUS skips clarifying ADA web access

Businesses are increasingly facing lawsuits under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regarding whether their websites are accessible to persons with disabilities. Recently, the United States Supreme Court declined an opportunity to address the law applicable to such claims, leaving businesses with little clarity as to what potential exposure they face.

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DOJ would take halted executions to high court

Attorney General William Barr told The Associated Press on Thursday that he would take the Trump administration’s bid to restart federal executions after a 16-year hiatus to the Supreme Court if necessary. Barr’s comments came hours after a district court judge temporarily blocked the administration’s plans to start executions next month.

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