
RFRA’s unintended consequences

Indiana Senate Bill 101, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, was signed by then-Gov. Mike Pence on March 26, 2015. An amendment was then signed the following month. Since, RFRA has been cited in a few unexpected ways.

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Indiana gambler loses in tax court

In a case of first impression, a northwest Indiana man failed to convince the Indiana Tax Court that his blackjack playing was how he earned his living and, therefore, he should be eligible for certain gambling-related deductions from his state income taxes.

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Charitable exemption for Starke County nonprofit upheld

A Starke County mental health non-profit was properly awarded a partial charitable exemption on its real property because the nonprofit provides a public benefit and lessens the government’s burden of addressing mental health issues, the Indiana Tax Court ruled Friday.

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Tax Court vacates proposed assessments for University of Phoenix

Proposed assessments against an Arizona-based university that offers online classes to Indiana students have been thrown out after the Indiana Tax Court determined the university properly followed statutory procedure by not sourcing its receipts for Indiana students to the Hoosier state.

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No longer a taxing process of review

When Department of Revenue Commissioner Adam Krupp took over the department in January, he decided to revamp its policies to focus more on customer service. Working alongside general counsel Patrick Price, Krupp implemented a new customer-oriented protest review system that has slashed taxpayer wait times and also helped increase efficiency at the Tax Court.

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Trump, GOP tax plan would cut rates for many Americans

President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans are proposing a far-reaching, $5 trillion plan Wednesday that would cut taxes for corporations and potentially for individuals, simplify the tax system and nearly double the standard deduction used by most Americans.

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COA affirms turnover of tax sale surplus funds

A man who loaned money nearly 10 years ago to a company in exchange for a mortgage security interest in some real estate is entitled to the surplus funds from a tax sale involving that land, the Indiana Court of Appeals held Tuesday.

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South Dakota court rejects law aimed at online sales taxes

South Dakota's Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a law that would require out-of-state retailers to collect sales taxes on in-state purchases — a defeat the state expected and welcomed in a case that eventually could have national implications for e-commerce.

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