
Akard: Impact of CHIPS legislation on Indiana

Semiconductors function as the brains of almost every modern technology we use. They play an indispensable role for our national security, and competitiveness and can be found in everything from cars and phones to the electric grid and rocket ships.

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Going online for dispute resolution

Online dispute resolution has grown in popularity since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, depending on who you ask, ODR could be defined in different ways. While many legal functions can now be completed by virtual means, Indiana’s judiciary didn’t have a “formal” ODR concept until last year. An ODR pilot project is currently […]

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IndyBar: Lawyers and the New Normal

Whether it was a personal illness, the death of a loved one, e-learning with our kids, or just dealing with the inconvenience and stress caused by various disruptions to our routines (some more significant than others), it is fair to say that many of COVID-19’s impacts would have to be put on the negative side of any ledger. However, there were positives as well.

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‘Law bots’ not taking over attorneys’ in-house jobs

In the panic that came with the COVID-19 pandemic, corporate legal departments went looking for their contracts to figure out which provisions were binding and which were eliminated under the “Act of God” clause. That scramble accelerated the growing trend of in-house attorneys adopting and using technology geared toward the legal industry.

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