
Courthouse curriculum: New learning center will tell the story of Southern Indiana District Court

To help explain the significance of what school children and adults see, a project is underway to create a space within the Southern Indiana District Court building that will teach about the third branch of government. The Federal Court Learning Center will showcase some of the artifacts from the Southern Indiana District as well as feature informational displays and interactive exhibits. Visitors will learn how the federal judiciary works, how it is different from the state courts and the roles citizens play in the judicial process.

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7th Circuit revives complaints in Cook MDL

After Cook, Inc., had a pair of complaints dismissed from a multi-district litigation by arguing the opposite of what it had asserted against other complaints filed in the same MDL, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated the two lawsuits, finding the switcheroo was not fair to the plaintiffs.

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Settlement reached in redlining lawsuit against Old National Bank

Evansville-based Old National Bank has settled allegations of redlining against Black residents in Indianapolis, agreeing to originate more than $27 million in loans to qualified Black applicants and contributing more than $3 million to create programs to help Black homeseekers secure mortgages and to invest in majority-Black neighborhoods.

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