
Decade of service: Indiana marks 10 years of veterans courts

A decade after the first veterans court opened in Floyd County, there are now 28 veterans courts statewide, according to the Indiana Supreme Court. On May 10, at the Ogle Hall auditorium on Ivy Tech Community College’s Sellersburg campus, the first veterans court celebrated its 10th anniversary along with a ceremony honoring its newest cohort of graduates.

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Federal legislation would grow, sustain veterans court programs

As veterans court programs expand nationwide, the federal government is exploring opportunities to provide additional resources to local courts. If enacted, the Veteran Treatment Court Coordination Act of 2019 would task the Department of Justice with establishing an office to provide additional funding and technical assistance to veterans courts.

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Pulaski County launches 100th Hoosier problem-solving court

Indiana’s court system is now home to 100 problem-solving courts, the Indiana Supreme Court announced Monday. A veterans treatment court was recently certified in Pulaski County, marking the 100th problem-solving court to be certified in the Hoosier state.

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Legislature gives Supreme Court bump in funding

Court technology and several other court programs got a boost in the latest state biennial budget, including an additional $5.9 million to fund, in part, key initiatives for Hoosiers, such as court appointed special advocate programs.

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Ceremony honors graduates of St. Joseph County Veterans Treatment Court

Six former military members graduated from the veterans court during a special ceremony Nov. 21 at the courthouse in South Bend. Judges, attorneys, relatives and other veterans watched as the group of men received certificates for completing the program and congratulatory handshakes from veterans court Judge Steven Hostetler.

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Family did not follow statutory remedies before suing bank

A federal court properly dismissed a family’s lawsuit against an Indiana bank and employee alleging they breached a fiduciary duty to a veteran in managing his benefits, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals held Monday. The family is required to seek review of the fiduciary appointment as outlined under statute.

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